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Urban Design Issues
Milton Keynes, Thomas Smith-Keary, 14045700
"How can retrofitted transport infrastructre create innovative & vibrant social spaces for people that impacts positevley on local identity?"
Social Spaces - Gloucester Green
Gloucester Green is the main market square within Oxford city centre, as a result it should be designed for pedestrian activity but how well does it serve as a hub of social activity and does it perform as a social space?

fig 43, panoramic shot of Glouscester Green from Gloucester Street (google street view
fig 44, photo showing fixed benches in the centre of the pavement, and numerous bicycle parking (author)
fig 45, photo displaying Gloucester Greens fixed metal benches (author)
fig 46, photo displaying fast food restaurant facing onto Gloucester Green, taxis slightly visible in the foreground (author)
fig 47, spillout movable seating from cafe in the back of shot, unfortunately for patrons only. (author)
fig 48, Gloucester Green at peak of social activity on market day. (author)
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