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Urban Design Issues
Milton Keynes, Thomas Smith-Keary, 14045700
"How can retrofitted transport infrastructre create innovative & vibrant social spaces for people that impacts positevley on local identity?"
Design Objective 3
Create a vibrant and sustainable neighbourhood of diverse urban form in Midsummer Boulevard to increase social density and diversity.
Currently Midsummer Boulevard East is sterile, this is due to the site being very low density due to the prevalence of car parking, and the utter lack of reasons to actually spend time outside.
Creating a high density neighbourhood on the site would bring life and vibrancy into the area simply because there would be more people and amenities there. There are existing residential units in the area, but they are few and far between scattered around piecemeal.
An actual perimeter block network with clear fronts and backs also makes a more efficient use of land leaving more room available for public open space and greenery. As well as providing natural surveillance onto a greater part of the site.
DA 3.0: Retail and restaurants/cafés would occupy the ground floor of units, with upper floors typically being used for residential, although some residential units are placed on the ground floor, and vice versa some retail/cafés may occupy the first floor.
This is to enhance the walking experience around the site offering more facades per block making the street more interesting throough the use of spillout space for traders and local residents, offering places to sit, stay and giving people greater control over the public realm. Drawing more people to the area, with it becoming a more vibrant and enjoyable place place to actually visit
DA 3.1: Numerous car parking plots and the food centre have been removed and infilled to create a network of six perimter blocks, offering greater walkability and permeability through the site.
The larger perimeter blocks have decked car parking within them, off-setting some of the spaces that were lost during construction, and allowing spaces for new workers and residents. Some on-street parking is available throughout the site.
DA 3.2: The predominent dwelling type in the site are a mix of 1-2 bedroom apartments, due to the lack of private garden space on site, wherever possible every dwelling has a balcony to offer some personal outdoor space.
DA 3.3: In order to achieve at least a density of 200 people per hectare, the units on site range fom 3-5 stories. This is because given the sites surrounding context and character, it was felt that the new developments shouldn't go to high to look out of place. There is also the fact that the higher a buildings is, the more it is disconnected with street level.
DA 3.2: Design for varying dwellings types and tenures to allow for a more diverse range of people
DA 3.1: Create a series of permeable perimeter blocks to create actual street form and provide greater enclosure.
DA 3.0: Design for mixed use retail, residential and civic spaces emphasising vertical form.

fig 140, Vertical form in Barcelona
fig 142, Sluseholmen in Sweden, showing vertical form (

fig 149. the in-model example of fig 148 (author)
fig 150 (top) & fig 151 (bottom) , two typical examples of suggested dwellings, 1 and 2 bedroom flats. (
fig 148. detailed look on the indoor makeup of a typical residential maisonette of flats (author)
fig 144 (top) & fig 145 (bottom), dimensions of new perimeter blocks in the site (author)
fig 146 (top) & fig 147 (bottom), closeup of smaller side streets and sense of enclosure (author)
fig 141, The High Street, Oxford
fig 143, view of central square in perimeter blocks (author)
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