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Biophilic Cities
Included in the idea of social streets is green space, normally this is attributed to relatively generic principles such as health benefits and peace of mind e.g. studies have found that patients in hospital will often recover from illness quicker if they can see greenery from outside their window. House prices increase when it overlooks a park, but why? This goes  beyond simple piece of mind and decoration and brings us to what Timothy Beatley (2011) calls Biophilia and the concept of Biophilic Cities.
The term Biophila, coined twenty odd years ago by E. O. Wilson, means an innate emotional affiliation of human beings to other living organisms, these is hereditary and seems part of the human condition. 
In essence we need to be in contact with nature because we are evolutionary programmed to be attached it and other forms of life, for 99% of human history people have lived as small hunter-gatherer societies totally, and intimately involved with the world around us. Early humans utterley depended on exact knowledge the natural world and natural history, the change of seasons, migration patterns, what flora and fauna are edible and where to find them etc. Our brains evolved in a "biocentric world", not one dominated by machinery and cities. To paraphrase Beatley (2011), it would be quite extraordinary for all that learning related to that world to vanish in less than a couple of thousand years, even amongst those who were born and raised in wholly urban environments. 
We need daily contact with nature in order to be healthy, productive individuals because that is the way our brains are tuned, but with the world becoming urbanised how can we continue to have physical daily contact with nature?
What are Biophilic Cities?
Biophilic cities are cities of abundant nature in close proximity to large numbers of urbanites; biophilic cities are biodiverse cities, that value, protect and actively restore this biodiversity; biophilic cities are green and growing cities, organic and natureful (Beatley, 2011)
The premise behind Biophilic Cities is that in the past 50 years the collective knowledge from 100,000 years of human history as hunter gatherer societies where knowledge of nature was essential to survival has been lost due to rapid urbanisation and a disconnection with nature in childhood and adulthood, and the possibility of what Beatley (2011) labels a dire prospect of entire future generations who don't know and don't care about nature or natural form.
The key to this lies with the compact city, it lays the foundation for Biophilic cities to flourish due to intensification. Reducing the land cities consume and expanding access to green infrastructure. The other aspect is density, it creates the conditions where walking  and outside living becomes possible without the need for automated private transport such as a car, you can't help going logging time outside from everyday activities, mixed use and active streets will change perception of distance allowing walking to become a more ordinary activity.
Benefits of Biophilic Cities
To expand briefly on the idea of health benefits, it goes far beyond the usual reducing tension, a study in the Netherlands found that in a greener environment people reported fewer symptoms of ill-health and actually have better perceived general health, 10% more greenspace in a living environment led to a decrease in symptoms equivalent to a decreased age of five years.
Continuing on, biophilic design such as increased planting of green urban features, trees and green rooftops etc, serve to help address the urban heat island effect, and moderate/reduce urban heat, their presence also has been found to help significantly reduce air pollutants such as sulfer dioxide and particulates from exhausts.
Environments rich with nature and natural experience may help to strengthen commitments to sustainability in general but also for sustainable lifestyles of individuals and entire neighbourhoods through "nature-protective behaviors", i.e. taking steps to protect nature through encouraging an emotional infinity with nature.
Bizarrely, urban greenery actually makes us better people, participants exposed to nature were more likely to exhibit intrinsic aspirations (values based on worth, intimacy and community) compared to extrinsic aspirations (based on fame and money). People were also more likely to behave more generously when it came to a series of tasks distributing money. Its not known cleanly why but it is believed that the nature can bolster autonomy (i.e. freedom) by creating stimulating sensations. Essentially nature affords the individual a chance to follow their interests and reduce external pressures, fears and social expectations (Beatley, 2011).
Manifestations in Built Form
Carmona et al (2010) mentions that landscaping is previously an afterthought of design, something to be added after all the other decisions are made, filling in leftover space in a development, or concealing bits of a design that didn't work as intended.
Landscaping has four drivers in terms of design
  • working on the land - art
  • working with the land - ecology
  • working through the land - society
  • working for the land - sustainability
Landscaping of natural form should form an integral part of the design and masterplanning process of urban form, being conceived at the same time or even before the major design decisions are marked down taking considerations of broader and deeper ecological concerns such as closed natural systems involving hydrology, geology and considerations such as food chains, e.g. instead of relying on insecticides and pesticides incorporate actual animals that use those habitats to keep various species in balance. A cities green space should also constitute more than formal parks, grass strips and exotic landscaping but should incorporate wild or at least semi-wild nature in the form of forests, meadows, wetlands and importantly native vegetation
Furthermore, it should not just be viewed in terms of functional benefits such as health, sensory richness, the heat-island effect etc. (considerable as they are).
Nature should be a fundamental part of our lives as we need awe and wonder as part of our life, and nature easily has the potential to deliver this in spades, the potential to amaze us, to stimulate us and propel us forward to learn more about the world, of conservation, biology, zoology and ecology. The ideas of nurturing deep personal connections and visceral engagement in something far greater and larger than ourselves.
Northern Germany and Scandinavia are leading this attitude, Copenhagen has a regional "fingers" plan where development took place in lines, or "fingers" stretching out from the city centre along transport routes with greenery, urban forests and parks situated between them, Helsinki as similar green wedges thrusting greenery and biodiversity right into the heart of urban centres. Norway, especially Oslo is exemplary in this regard with over 90% of the cities population living within 400 metres of greenspace
Asia also has a number of examples of this, the Cheonggyecheon river in Seoul is a marvelous example replacing what was a highway running through the city and uncovering the river underneath has allowed a swathe of greenery and nature to enter the city, and has become one of the most visited public parks in the city.
The city of Singapore in another example has dedicated 40% of its land towards greenspace and urban agriculture.
fig 27,The Biophilic City as morphological elements (Beatley,2011)

fig 29, Cheonggyecheon park in in Seoul


24, Biophilic design in Olso, Norway


fig 25 (left), fig 26 (right), Biophilic nature trails in Olso, Norway


fig 33. Biophilic woodand in Olso, Norway


fig 30 (left) Cheonggyecheon park in in Seoul, before and, fig 31(right) after


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